Urban Graffiti

Starting from the concept of urban graffiti,
cross-domain integration creates a new look of urban life.

Urban Graffiti expands the scope of brand services, extending from architectural imagination to urban imagination. And with diversity, tolerance, and subversion of tradition as the core, tries to set off a social revolution.

大硯建設Urban Graffiti擴大品牌服務範圍,從建築想像力,延伸到城市想像力。並以多元、包容、顛覆為核心,試圖掀起一場社會革命。

We use composite media throughout the entire film, combining hand-painted graffiti, illustrations, and real shots. The film presents a diverse, street, and rebellious atmosphere. The content of the film is quite open. It mainly tells the process of the emergence of an idea. The idea is like a rocket launch. As the rocket lifts off, more unconstrained ideas burst out.


大硯建設Urban Graffiti形象影片



Production Company

Directed by
Fuhao Great Company

Project Manager
Niko Lee

Style Frame
Kyle Jhuang
Han Chieh Chen
Tifu Huang
Hsin-Hsiang Kuo
Edi Kuo

Motion Design
Kyle Jhuang
Hsin-Hsiang Kuo

3D Animation
Han Chieh Chen
Tifu Huang

Cel Animation
BinBin Lu

Kyle Jhuang

Music & Sound
Hyperlung Studio

©2024 Fuhao great company